Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
An evaluation of some government operated social
دراسة تقييمية لبعض دور الرعاية الاجتماعية الحكومية للأطفال في جدة لتطويرها بعمل تصميم تخطيطي لقرية أطفال
Subject : An evaluation of some government operated social 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This study first chapter demonstrated its methodological sides, it stated that the study main aim is to develop the current governmental collective assistance for needy children in Jeddah by a semi-familial assistance system (SOS village). According to this chapter the study emphasis on the residential side of the village especially in relation to the family residential units as this represents an essential element in succeeding the family system in the suggested village. The chapter showed that the study date was collected through three purposive samples and architectural physical evaluation sheet and the study governmental institution perpendiculars. The second chapter discuss the related literature which showed stress on either the sociological or psychological sides while the current study used more comprehensive evaluation approach of the studied institutions, both sociologically and residentially. The third chapter dealt with the subject of deprived children on three levels, globally, developing and Islamic worlds. It is discussed here also the alternative custody care approaches. The fourth chapter investigated the development of SOS villages, their administrative - financial constructions and their main four principles. An especial concern was given to the various elements of planning and designing the village. A certain emphasis was given for establishing the suggested village in Saudi Arabia on the ground of its Islamic and cultural values. Finally this chapter ended by critical analysis of the various deprived children' custody care approaches. This analysis concluded by supporting SOS villages comparing by others approaches. The fifth chapter discusses the development and the current situation of the mentioned custody care approaches in both of all Saudi Arabia and the area of the study. The sixth chapter revealed certain shortages in residential side and used approaches of caring for lodgers at girls’ social welfare institutes in Jeddah and also in relation their relationship with their nursemaids. The educational level and job experience of the nursemaids in showed to be low which resulted in certain difficulties in dealing with them by the tow institute’s administrations. This chapter also revealed that the buildings of the studied institutions do not meet the residential needs of the lodgers. The final result of the study shows a necessity of developing the studied institutions into a SOS village. This result was supported also by most of the study samples units. Also the study results showed the difficulty of recruiting alternative mothers to work in the suggested village. Certain incentives should be provided to attract Saudi women to work as alternative mothers. The seventh chapter contained a suggested general plan for transferring the studied institutions into a SOS village. This plan includes a schematic design for the suggested village, which take into consideration the religious & social characteristics of Saudi society. 
Supervisor : Dr. Amal M. Alsemry 
Thesis Type : Doctorate Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1420 AH
2000 AD
Number Of Pages : 200 
Added Date : Saturday, June 19, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
أنهار عبدالله سنديsindi, Anhar AbdullahInvestigatorDoctorate 

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