Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Effect of weight reduction and some Antioxidants on Liver functions for obese women with Fatty Liver
تأثير تخفيض الوزن وبعض مضادات الأكسدة على وظائف الكبد للسيدات المصابات بالسمنة ودهون الكبد
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The aim of this study was to identify the role of some antioxidants (vitamin C, lycopene, whole grains) and weight reduction for (30) Obese women with fatty liver and obesity .Out of (200) obese woman awareness of Antioxidants and Fatty Liver was measured , Height, Weight, Body Mass index, cholesterol, Triglyceride and liver enzymes was Measured, Abdominal ultrasound scan to know degree of liver injury . After that a small sample has been selected from (30) women have Fatty Liver and they divided into three groups( every group 10 women), the first group followed a diet with average of 1230 calories / day and 1500 Mg of vitamin C, the second group followed a diet with average of 1270 calories / day and 50 Mg of lycopene, The third group followed a diet with average of 1245 calories and contains 30 grams of fiber and whole grains for a period of two months. Weight was measured, waist circumference, cholesterol, Triglyceride, liver enzymes, Total antioxidants and Glutathione Peroxidas before and after the diet. The results showed a decrease in the average weight of women (9.6) kg for the three groups in two months, significant with a confidence 99% degree with the state of the liver before and after the diet 99% degree of confidence (P= 0,000) for the three groups. We also found that there a differences statistically significant with a confidence level of 95% (P=0.05) cholesterol, Triglyceride, liver enzymes, Total antioxidants and Glutathione peroxides before and after the diet, and the third group (Group whole grain) that showed the most moral differences. We recommend in this research the importance of balanced meals that contain whole grains, high in fruit and vegetables, low fat to maintain weight will protect from Fatty Liver. 
Supervisor : Dr. Eman Mohammed Saleh Ismail 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1430 AH
2009 AD
Added Date : Sunday, July 3, 2011 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
إيمـان عـمر الحـارثـيAl-Harthy, Eman OmarResearcherMaster 


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